
How does hochschild describe william sheppard sheppard was


1. Why does Edmund Dene Morel conclude that the trade in rubber and ivory is being conducted using enslaved labor?

A.Because the ships going to the Congo do not carry trade goods (stuff to give to the locals in return for rubber and ivory).

B.Because the ships on the "Congo run" would make their second stop in Brazil--the last place where enslaved labor was still used for sugar production.

C.Because the ships going to Congo carry so many soldiers and guns.

D.Two of the above are correct.

E.All of the above are correct.

F.None of the above are correct.


1. What about the story caught the author's (Hochschild's) attention?

A. He noted that King Leopold, unlike other twentieth century killers, understood violence on a personal level, through his trips to the Congo and his personal "fox hunts" of workers who resisted his policies.

B. He found it doubly mysterious because no one had written about it; no novelist had taken up the subject, and even European and American travelers to the Congo almost never wrote letters or left journals, making the place truly mysterious.

C. He was shocked to realize that millions of people had been killed.

D. Two of the above are correct.

E. All of the above are correct.

F. None of the above are correct.


1. How does Hochschild describe William Sheppard?

A. Sheppard was not necessarily a great missionary, but his life in Africa was exciting, local Africans liked him, and he succeeded at doing lots of cool things.

B. Sheppard truly cared about Africans, but his Christian faith and commitment to evangelism made it difficult for him to connect with Africans.

C. Sheppard was one of the first people to understand just how much money could be made from the rubber trade, and he was ruthless at exploiting that trade.

D. Two of the above are correct.

E. All of the above are correct.

F. None of the above are correct.


1. Which of the following describes the rubber trade in Congo?

A. Rubber was an agricultural product, grown on large plantations using enslaved labor, much like cotton in the American South.

B. Rubber was a luxury good, like silk or gold, that could be traded in China for valuable tea.

C. Rubber was a raw material at the beginning of a long, industrial supply chain; it was harvested in bulk, as cheaply as possible (with little payment for the people doing the harvesting), and then shipped to another country, where industrial production could turn it into more valuable products, like tires and hoses.

D. Two of the above are correct.

E. All of the above are correct.

F. None of the above are correct.


1. What did slave labor look like in the Congo rubber trade?

A. Under traditional systems of African slavery, enslaved people were treated as extended kin--they could not leave, but they could eventually join the family as full members, either through marriage or inheritance.

B. Slaves were kidnapped Africans from other parts of the continent (primarily Ethiopia). They lived and worked on large plantations, tending rubber trees under the watchful eyes of white overseers. In order to prevent slaves from fleeing the plantations, they were locked up in large chain gangs during the day and kept in locked barracks or guarded compounds at night.

C. Slave laborers gathered harvested wild rubber on their own, but they were forced to do the work by a combination of hostage-taking and the threat of massive violence.

D. Two of the above are correct.

E. All of the above are correct.

F. None of the above are correct.


1. Which of the following statements about chopping off people's hands was true, based on the chapter?

A. Locals believed that hands were a key ingredient in canned meat products, like corned beef.

B. Chopping off hands was a terror tactic, used to simultaneously punish people who failed to meet their rubber quotas and to frighten everyone else into following orders.

C. It was a way to verify that African soldiers had used their ammunition efficiently, as opposed to wasting or stealing it.

D. Two of the above are correct.

E. All of the above are correct.

F. None of the above are correct.

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History: How does hochschild describe william sheppard sheppard was
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