
How does his argument relate to that of the other

Part 1:

Please read: Donald Ostrowski, "The Mongol Origins of Muscovite Political Institutions," Slavic Review, Vol. 49, No. 4 (Winter, 1990), pp. 525-542;

And discuss: Ostrowski argues that the 14th Century Russian (Rus') Princes modeled their administration (government) on that of the Mongol (Kiphak Khanate) bureaucracy. How does his argument relate to that of the other historians he mentions? What does this story tell about the influence of the Mongols on Eurasian societies in general?

250-350 wordsandworkcitedpage

Part 2:

Please read:

- George Saliba, Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007), Chapter Five, ‘Science between Philosophy and Religion: The Case of Astronomy,' pp. 171-192. Available on the Hagerty Library catalogue at:

And discuss:

- Islam and Science - In a well-written essay of 25-350 words, that includes specific citations discuss what role Islamic civilizations played in the history of science from the Ancient period to Middle Ages? Base your discussion on the Saliba chapter, where he argues that one of the major projects in Islamic astronomy was to reconcile Ptolemaic and Aristotelian astronomy and ONE of these documentaries (***Make sure to refer to specific scenes in the documentaries):

1) Science and Islam - Language of Science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLay7RD3kEw, or
2) Science and Islam - Empire of Reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUGBp_mKrkI

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History: How does his argument relate to that of the other
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