
How does hiring a diverse work force contribute to better

Forecasting can be classified into four basic types:

• Qualitative

• Time series analysis

• Causal relationships,

• Simulation

Which one of the types of forecasting do you think provides the best confidence for a company; and why?

2. There is a "business case" to be made for sustainability. Is there, or is just a waste of stakeholder efforts and profits? Let us know your stance from an ethical standpoint.

3. Pricing Strategies: Identity three types of pricing strategies. Select a good or service and compare the prices of two different companies associated with the goods or service. Why do different organizations have different pricing strategies for the same good or service?

4. How does hiring a diverse work force contribute to better customer relations and a better bottom line profit for those organizations that employ a diverse workforce.

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Operation Management: How does hiring a diverse work force contribute to better
Reference No:- TGS02905041

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