How does he suggest that historians and people interested

Discussion Post

• Did the texts by Powers and Farish Noor in challenge any ideas that you had about world history? Name specific points from each text. They may relate to anything, such as colonialism, non-European cultures, gender, family, science, etc.

• In Farish Noor's TedTalk "The viewpoint that won't go away", what does he mean when he says that, "We need to think out of the box and we can't fall back"? How does he suggest that historians and people interested in history achieve this? (Please use YouTube's transcript if you prefer reading.

• Provide a critical assessment of how Robbins' text addressed the impact of capitalist expansion on people and ecologies around the world. What difficult matters did he address head on, and what does he leave out? Provide examples.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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