
How does globalization affect producers and consumers


1. How does globalization affect producers and consumers?

2. How are producers of products like clothing or food affected differently by globalization than consumers?

3. In what ways is globalization experienced differently by people from wealthy countries compared to people in developing countries?

4. How does this connect to global health?

5. Does globalization affect the health, specifically, of producers of products like clothing or food differently than it does consumers?

6. If so, how?

7. If not, why not?


Griffith, L.M., & Marion, J.S. (2020). Globalization. In N. Brown, T. McIlwraith, & L. Tubelle de Gonzalez (Eds.), Perspectives: An open introduction to cultural anthropology (2nd ed., pp. 304-331). American Anthropological Association.

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