
How does gender and level of exercise activity low moderate

For this assessment, identify the most appropriate bivariate or multivariate statistical test or procedure from the first list below that you would use for each of the research situations and questions that follow, in the second list below.

Use a Microsoft Word document to capture your answers for all of the research situations and questions and show your work.

Paste your data from any Excel files or other sources into the Word document.

Clearly demonstrate how you arrived at your conclusions.

See the example answer under the third heading below for more information.

Bivariate or multivariate statistical tests or procedures

Bivariate correlation.
Bivariate regression.
Discriminant analysis.
Factor analysis.
Factorial MANOVA.
Factorial MANCOVA.
One-way ANOVA.
Logistic regression.
Path analysis.
One-way MANCOVA.
Multiple regression.
Independent sample t-test.

Research situations and questions

To examine the relationship between family income and test scores among 12th graders in Minnesota.

To determine the extent to which family income predicts test scores among 12th graders in Minnesota.

Do SAT scores differ significantly between students from private and public schools in Minnesota?

Does SAT scores differ among students from low, middle, and high socioeconomic status (SES) families in the state of Minnesota?

To determine among freshmen college students in Minnesota the extent to which exercise activity (low, moderate, high) affects HDL (good cholesterol), LDL (bad cholesterol), and total cholesterol levels.

You are asked to examine the causal effects among a number of risk factors including caloric intake, frequency of exercise, weight, and family history of heart disease on total cholesterol levels among college students in Minnesota.

To discriminate between students who dropped out of high school and those who did not drop out, you studied student risk behaviors including failure to do homework, drug use, sexual activity, and family SES.

You are asked to determine which of the following combination of factors (family income, caloric intake, exercise activity, and mother's educational level) best predict total cholesterol levels among college freshmen.

You are interested in determining whether type of work (academia, government, industry, self-employed) significantly affects income level and stress level among families in Minnesota after adjusting family-type (single-family, married-family).

How do family-type (single-family, married-family) and work-type (academia, government, industry, self-employed) impact income and stress level in Minnesota?

You are interested in examining the extent to which the following factors (illegal drug use, sexual activity, age, gender) predict the odds of drop out among high school students.

How does gender and level of exercise activity (low, moderate, high) impact LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol, after adjusting for family income, among adolescents in Hennepin County, Minnesota?

You are asked to examine whether any underlying structure exists among the following variables: caloric intake, weight, educational level, income level, LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol.


Situation:To what extent do hours worked and years of experience predict income after adjusting for years of education?

Appropriate statistical method:Multiple regression.

Explanation:One DV (monthly income) is measured on a quantitative scale, and three IVs (hours worked, experience, years of education) are measured on a quantitative scale. The nature of the problem is to find predictors of income based on hours of work and years of experience after adjustment for years of education, or the problem is to examine whether hours worked and years of experience are independent predictors of income after adjusting for years of education.

Additional Requirements

Use the following program standards for all assessment submissions in this course:

Written communication:Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting:Your writing should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style.

Font and font size:Times New Roman, 12 point.

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Dissertation: How does gender and level of exercise activity low moderate
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