
How does geertz analyze and study

Short Essay Questions:

1. How does Geertz analyze and study culture? What does it mean when he suggests that culture is symbolic action and needs to be described thickly? (Hint: remember interpretations of interpretations). Which way or ways of studying culture is he employing? Why does he believe his approach is effective?

2. How do the concepts of base, superstructure and hegemony, according to Williams, elucidate culture? Be sure to define each term individually and explain how it relates to culture. What does it mean to suggest that Williams rails against totality? What does this mean for cultural change?

3. According to Williams, what are residual and emergent cultures? Continuing, what is incorporation and what does it have to do with emergent and residual cultures? Why do these concepts prompt Williams to make a distinction between alternative and oppositional cultures?

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