
How does freud imagine that his thought can help us to

Nietzsche on Freud

Write 4-6 pages (typed, double-spaced) as prompted below. Note that a failing grade will be assigned to any multi-page paper submitted unstapled or without page numbers.

In Civilization and Its Discontents, Freud seeks to use psychoanalytic theory to help us address social, cultural, and political problems. Despite his confidence in the correctness of his analysis, the book ends, however, on a remarkably pessimistic note.

How does Freud imagine that his thought can help us to improve human society? What about his theory nevertheless commits him to his characteristically pessimistic world-view?

To answer this second question, consider what Nietzsche would say about Freud's theory-particularly because, despite many similarities between them, Nietzsche for his part is so hopefully optimistic about the future of humanity.

How does Nietzsche's thought serve as a criticism, supplement, or corrective to Freud, and how does his "joyful science" prepare us to address the problems that confront us in our contemporary culture?

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Other Subject: How does freud imagine that his thought can help us to
Reference No:- TGS02295060

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