
How does fredrick contribute to the well being of his family

Assignment task: Consider Fredrick.  This video is an animation of a children's book by Leo Lionni.

Mrs. Clark's Reading Corner. (2017, August 29). Fredrick-Caldecott & 100 Best Children's Books. In You Tube. Creative thinking & arts based learning: Preschool through fourth grade (7th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

The story of Fredrick offers a metaphor for understanding the role of creativity and the arts in our lives.  Please answer the two questions below. Write in complete sentences and use proper grammar.

Get creative of a collage in the style of Lionni.

Part 1:  Review the WV Pre-K Standards. Answer the following:

Q1.  How does Fredrick contribute to the well being of his family?  Considering this, what role can the arts play in the well being of children?

Q2.  How can creativity and the arts address standards in each of the domains of the WV Pre-K Standards? Provide an example from each developmental domain.

Part 2: what is a example of a torn paper collage in the style of Leo Lionni.  Attach a photo of your finished work.


Clearly state your thoughtful response to question number 1 giving specific examples and using proper grammar and punctuation.   

Give an example of how arts can be used to address each of the seven domains within the Pre-K Standards. Please address each of the domains individually. 

Show a collage and a photo.

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Reference No:- TGS03304776

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