
How does francois follow-up meeting wit the team mirror the

PArt -1:

Discussion Questions

When President Mandela spoke with Francois in his office and asked about his philosophy of leadership how do you see his vision for the country coming across in what he hopes Francois can achieve through rugby and the World Cup? What else did you notice the president doing?

How does Francois follow-up meeting wit the team mirror the challenges that president Mandela faces with the country? What do you sec Francois doing to share his vision?

Discussion Question for Both Scenes

1. What other practices and leadership behaviors did you notice in these scenes?

Part -2:

Leadership Lessons

Discussion Questions for "Look to the Future"

1. What examples of Inspire a Shared Vision do you see in this scene?

2. If you were on the president's staff, how do you think you would have felt after hearing his message? What parts of his message stood our to you?

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Other Subject: How does francois follow-up meeting wit the team mirror the
Reference No:- TGS0609530

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