
How does flexibility enhance a resistance tng program

Discussion Question

Our text discusses the importance of resistance exercise, strength and flexibility as part of a total program. Address the following questions:

(1). (a). What are the importance and benefits of resistance exercise,(b). list/ explain 1 adaptations resulting from resistance tng. and 1 from aerobic tng.

(2). Review chp. 12: Identify and briefly explain two forms (or any form/ type) of stretching associated with flexibility tng. Briefly discuss the importance of Flexibility tng., and any health benefits achieved through regular stretching? how does flexibility enhance a resistance tng. program?, what factors should be considered when starting flexibility tng.?

-What form of flexibility tng. is used in your personal program? if you don`t have regular stretching in your program, why not? what can and will you do to begin?

Book: NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training 2nd Edition

You do not really have to have the book you can use the internet. Document has to be at least 250 words or longer. Must give the internet cite if the internet is used.

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Microeconomics: How does flexibility enhance a resistance tng program
Reference No:- TGS01807793

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