
How does federalism keep government closer to the people

Question 1. Explain the reasons why federalism was chosen instead of either confederation or a unitary system in 1787.

Question 2. How does federalism keep government closer to the people? Is state government necessarily more responsive to the people than the federal government?

Question 3. Distinguish between inherent, implied, and express powers. Give an example of each.

Question 4. Will interstate compacts become more important with the development of new technologies? Give examples to support your answer.

Question 5. What values are shared by most Americans?

Question 6. Distinguish between "liberal" and "conservative". How useful are these labels in today's political discourse?

Question 7. How have various developments in American history modified the political ideology of Americans?

Question 8. How are basic beliefs in both freedom and equality represented in American policies today? Give examples of policies where you think that these values are compatible and where you think that they may be incompatible?

Question 9. Is American diversity becoming increasingly that of reinforcing cleavages rather than cross-cutting cleavages?

Question 10. Research the last two presidential elections and look for evidences of candidates appealing to particular gender issues. What are these issues and how did candidates appeal to them?

Question 11. Compared with many other countries, America is a relatively very diverse country. Why haven't American problems with diversity been as difficult as those encountered by Canada, India, or the former Yugoslavia?

Question 12. What are the special concerns of older Americans? How are these reflected in political participation?

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Other Management: How does federalism keep government closer to the people
Reference No:- TGS02007721

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