
How does experiment relate to law of conservation of mass


To demonstrate Conservation of Mass, follow this simple experiment.

Step I: Generate a hypothesis involving what will happen to your fruit over the course of the experiment.

Step II: Take a piece of fruit or vegetable and place it outside for 7 days (a backyard or even a windowsill will do)

Step III: Record the changes you see at a minimum of three times each day (approximately 8 hour intervals).

Step IV: Take notes at each interval record the date/time physical description weight if you have a small scale take photos

Step V: Explain how does this experiment relate to the Law of Conservation of Mass?

Step VI: For Extra credit: How does this relate to the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics?

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Science: How does experiment relate to law of conservation of mass
Reference No:- TGS03313262

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