
How does each branch of government make laws

  • What are the differences between substantive law,procedural law,criminal law,civil law,common law,and statutory law?Provideexamples ofeach.
  • What U.S. Constitution amendments were implemented to protect therights of businesses and organizations?
  • What are the three branches of government and their functions?
  • How are powers balanced in theU.S.government?
  • How does each branch of government makelaws?Provide examples.
  • What are some examples of alternative disputeresolutions (ADRs)?
  • What aretheadvantagesand disadvantages associated with ADRversus litigation?
  • What are some example so farbitration that can occurin yourprofessional and personallife?Explain.

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Business Law and Ethics: How does each branch of government make laws
Reference No:- TGS0537119

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