
How does e-procurement enhance procurement productivity


1 Supporting Activity

RFPs and RFQs

Create a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following questions:

• How do organizations decide whom to send RFPs or RFQs? When would you send an RFQ as opposed to an RFP?

2 Supporting Activity


Create a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following question:

• How does e-procurement enhance procurement productivity? Research at least one e-procurement software package and discuss its functionality.

3 Individual

Contract Writing

Select an organization with which you are familiar.(Walmart)

Create a draft contract for consulting services to help with the migration to cloud computing your team is performing. (Piggy back from Walmart team project..)

Search the Internet for samples of IT contracts to use as a template for this assignment.

Also Describe a minimum of three best practices that should be used to develop a well-structured contract.

4 Test Plan and Quality Metrics

Develop a 2- to 3-page test plan that discusses how you will use unit, integration, and system or user acceptance testing to ensure that any assets moved to the cloud perform without error. The test plan should contain the following information:

• Approach to testing

• Features to be tested

• Pass-fail criteria

• Test deliverables

• Staffing needs, such as IT end users to be involved

• Approvals (who needs to approve the test results)

List and explain at least 10 quality metrics that are applicable to the move to cloud computing. (Still focus on Walmart just like all the other assignment 4s)

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Other Subject: How does e-procurement enhance procurement productivity
Reference No:- TGS01865770

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