
How does different treatment of inmates lead to an increase


The French prison system is briefly described in this paper, along with those aspects of it that differ from American correctional procedures and policies.France has a far lower annual immigration detention rate than other European nations, but those that are imprisoned do so for lengthier periods of time. As a result, between 1981 and 1988, there were 120% more convicts serving terms of five years or more. Therefore, the adoption of lengthy sentences played a key role in the rise in French jail population. Additional statistical graphs and tables are included, along with 8 pages of references. The United States has the highest incarceration rates in the world as well as the largest prison population (2,121,600 in adult institutions in 2016).In 2015, according to the World Prison Population List (11th edition), there were roughly 10.35 million prisoners and inmates housed in jails and prisons around the world. The number of adult prisoners in the US in 2015 was 2,173,800.

According to this, the US was home to 21.0% of the world's convicts in 2015, although only constituting roughly 4.4 percent of the global population.Different inputs (variables of production) and TFP-the productivity of labor and capital resources-are frequently the determining factors in how quickly an economy grows in different countries. There are some problems that both the French and American criminal systems encounter despite their marked differences. In this article, the French criminal system is briefly summarized, and its components are compared to the rules and practices of the American and New York correctional systems. Findings show that despite significant differences between the French and American criminal justice systems, both have some common issues. This article gives a brief overview of the French penal system and contrasts its elements with those of New York's correctional institutions and the American justice system as a whole.

The structure of the French penal system in general, the many types of facilities, staff training, employment of prisoners, physical and mental health, juvenile offenders, reintegration programs, system comparisons, the philosophy of punishment, transparency, de-racialized statistics, and private partnerships. Some of the topics covered include physical design of facilities and risk assessment.Faster economic growth encourages higher production, which helps a country avoid poverty.

1) How does different treatment of inmates lead to an increase in the number of inmates?

2) Do you believe the incarceration rate in France is lower than in the US because of absent laws and policies?

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