
How does context affect how a policy is formed


A. How does context affect how a policy is formed? Explain. Provide an example of a contextual variable/situation.

B. Explain what is meant by "Defend the Status Quo" and "Change the Status Quo" Provide an explanation of both. Explain what the tone or direction of the agenda, message, or nature of this policy will be.

C. In Module 6, there is an article titled: "A Beginner's Guide to Legislative Drafting"- explain what it means to "Write Purposefully"

D. Define what evidence-based policy making is and list the principles of evidence-based policy making.

E. Explain what a supplier of policy is and then explain what a demander of policy is. Provide an example of both.

F. Part of the issue for an agency that has to implement the policy is capacity building. Explain what capacity building is and why it is important to the implementation.

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