
How does constructing a narrative enable learning

Problem: Provide a brief an analytical commentary, which explores key issues, compares and contrasts experiences, makes connections to theoretical understandings, professional standards and discusses the implications for future personal practice and professional learning for this poem on art room in early childhood

The Art Room

A place of wonder, a place of joy

Where creativity is simple ploy

A room of vibrant colors and shapes

Where a child's imagination can truly escape

A space of exploration and learning too

Where a child can discover all that's new

A place of beauty, a place to be

Where a child can express who they truly be

A room of acceptance and understanding

Where no one is judges for their way of thinking

 A place of freedom and diversity

Where a child's unique spirit can truly be free

The art room, a place of magical things

Where a child's imagination can take flight and take wings

This room can truly bring out the best.

A place that PST's professional engagement and practices should neglect.

Commentaries should unpack, interpret and analyse each narrative. PSTs should read beneath the lines, pull the story apart and explain what the story means to them and their work as teachers. Why is it interesting or significant? What is learned through the story? How does constructing a narrative enable learning?

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Reference No:- TGS03370562

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