
How does clyde tombaugh work fit into the scientific method

Discuss the below in detail:

Discussing Astronomy in regards to Philosophy

1 How can we talk about the evolution of stars over billions of years when human beings have been observing stars for only a few thousand years?

2 Some advances in our knowledge have been made possible through better equipment, such as Hubble's discoveries using the 100-inch Hooker telescope at Mount Wilson. What other major discoveries in cosmology have relied on improvements in existing apparatus?

3 Was the formation of Earth unique, or was it similar to the processes which created all the planets in the solar system?

4 The temperature of Earth's core is estimated to be > 5,000 degrees Celsius. Is the core temperature of a planet like Jupiter hotter or colder? Why? Does the distance from the Sun affect the core temperature?

5 How does Clyde Tombaugh's work fit into the scientific method?

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Physics: How does clyde tombaugh work fit into the scientific method
Reference No:- TGS01883030

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