Decide what type of business entity you would become that does business with the U.S. Federal Government. [Invent a company, a product, a service, a consulting company, etc that will do/does business with the Federal Gov] "Write a 4 to 5 page paper in which you:
1. Describe the firm (who they are and what they do), by giving its Vision, Values, Mission, Goals, Objectives, [for no more than 2 pages].
2. Give the amount of business you plan to do/do with the federal government [i.e. what is your business "footprint" - the number of products you deliver, the volume of documents you produce, the amount of consultations you give per week/year; number of employees, number of company vehicles, if applicable, number of Gov Contracts, volume of Accounts Receivables, etc] [for no more than two pages].
3. Discuss what required actions your company's Contracts/ Capture or Proposal Team would need to do to in order to compete for a Fed Gov Request for Proposal (RFP) that your company's skill set matches in Federal Business Opportunities. (n.d.). General format. Retrieved from [or called]. Lay out your plan to seek, compete and win Fed Gov Business over the next six weeks.