Class 3 intersectionality : class (ses) / gender / race / disability
Think of our "Walk in the Park" - what are your reflections on the outcomes of our experiment?
Intersectionality toolkit.
A. What is the difference between gender and sex?
B. Finish the sentence using some examples (your own as well): "Problems which arise when analysing gender relations include..."
C. What is understood by the statement: "gender is a spectrum of identities" and how does breaking binary norms relate to discrimination?
D. What does it mean that socio-economic status (SES) is a social construct? How is it different e.g. from race and what are the consequences of such a difference? (think of visibility)
E. SES is commonly measured by taking into consideration 3 factors - what are they?
F. We discussed SES in relation to the notion of privilege and marginalization - please explain how you understand them (you may use the definition of privilege from one of the Prezi presentations linked to this class)
G. What are the two common misconceptions about disability? (types / other identities)
H. Provide your definition of "intersectionality" in reference to the wheel diagram from PDF page 31. What do the 4 circles represent?