
How does aquinas define the operation of learning


Examine the Letter to Brother John. Respond to one of the following questions from the Letter to Brother John:

A. How does Aquinas define the operation of learning? Is there anvthing that seems bizarre about what Aquinas says!

B. What is the importance of solitude in this discussion of learning habits and why does he recommend it? Now, examine Articles 1 & 2 From Aquinas' On the Teacher. Respond to one of the following questions from Articles 1 & 2.

C. In Article 1 what is Aavinas' basic guestion/problem? How does he explain the various arguments for and against this question and what is his ultimate resolution in his "Response for this Article as well as his addendums? (abbreviated in the text with Ad.).

D. In Article 2 why does Aquinas say that someone can be the cause of his own learning, but not his own teacher: Now. furn to Article 4 where we see a replay of our discussion last week about the Active and Contemplative life. This time, though, our Mary and Martha distinctions relate to the field of teaching. Respond to one of the following questions from Article 4: (there is only one. J know!).

E. What does Aquinas mean when he says "We find a twofold matter in the act of teaching"?

Interpretive Question

In a new post containing at least four well crafted sentences, respond to the following: So much of what we have read to day from Aquinas is premised on sustained reflection regarding the relationship between faith and knowledge. In the end, what is the general relationship between these two things across Aquinas' work?

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