
How does a star glow what types of elements are found in

Part 1: The Elements: Forged in Stars

Visit https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/ess05.sci.ess.eiu.fusion/the-elements-forged-in-stars/#.WT2ljRPyvsE and use the background essay and 3-minute video to find the answers to the following questions:

  • How does a star glow?
  • What types of elements are found in stars?
  • What is a supernova?
  • Why does it take so much heat and pressure to create helium and other elements?

Part 2: Show What You Know

  • Perform a Web search using terms, such as "stellar nucleosynthesis," "helium burning," "carbon burning" and "neon burning," to locate balanced equations that show the fusion of lighter elements into heavier elements.
  • Write balanced nuclear equationsfor the formation offive elementswhose atomic number is between helium (2) and iron (26).

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Chemistry: How does a star glow what types of elements are found in
Reference No:- TGS02334448

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