Create a communication plan for the Riordan Manufacturing Go Green campaign, using the WBS and project organization chart.
Research various software packages, such as Microsoft Enterprise or SharePoint, and select one that has the most useful tools to coordinate data, resource management, scheduling, and communication. In approximately 200 words, explain why this software is appropriate.
Navigate to Download the free
Power/Interest Grid .pdf file. Reproduce the grid in a Microsoft Word document. Brainstorm various stakeholders of this project and plot them on the grid. Identify and categorize stakeholders according to reporting needs.
Create a communication plan matrix, using Microsoft Excel. Indicate the frequency and type of communication appropriate for each stakeholder and which team member would be responsible for overseeing each communication.
Write an executive summary of approximately 600 words in which you explain how the communication plan and software will enable the project leader to effectively manage communication on the project.
Combine the software recommendation, Power/Interest Grid, communication plan matrix, and executive summary into a cohesive report.
The following questions 80 words per answer by tomorrow Saturday 8 at 9pm MST.
1.- Do you think all progress reports should be communicated through the project leader to stakeholders?
2.- Under what circumstances should team members communicate directly with stakeholders?
3.- What benefits and drawbacks would this cause?
4.- How does a project leader determine stakeholder reporting needs?
5. What are the tools a project manager may use to control and manage project communications.
6. What are some possible results of ineffective communication?
7.- As a project leader, how would you work with a stakeholder who either demands constant updates or does not respond to your calls or e-mails?
8. How would you work with a stakeholder who threatens to go over your head and complain to your supervisor if you cannot guarantee specific results?