
How does a new administrator bring organizational change


Review the-Police Executive Research Forum Washington, D.C.,November 2002

How does a new administrator bring organizational change especially a change to organizational culture in a police department? Design a criminal justice agency of your choosing and develop an annual budget for the agency. Students will be placed into "leadership positions" that result in an executive summary presentation and paper concerning the creation of an agency to include the budget expenditures for their "department". The assignment will detail the scope of the department and the jurisdiction that it covers (police jurisdiction). It will include a mission statement, problem response, budget and resources to include personnel for the agency. The agency can be any type in the realm of Criminal Justice. You will need to consider personnel (recruiting and benefits), training, equipment (purchases and maintenance) facility maintenance, and liability. After you have developed the budget you need to write a three page summary paper explaining the scope of the agency and why change needs to occur. The budget needs to be submitted in excel document format.

This paper will represent students' observations of their readings, a critical evaluation of a topic, and thoughts on how best to address problems/issues inherent in their topic. In addition to material contained in the text, students MUST utilize a minimum of three outside sources to inform their paper. These sources MUST be peer-reviewed publications, governmental reports, or the textbook.

Response must be a minimum of 3 pages in length (does not include references), maximum 12-point font, 1-inch margins, include your name on the paper, and utilize proper APA citation format.

Reference book :

Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D., and Klofas, J. (2015). Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management, [6 th ED]. Cengage Publishing

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