
How does a leader develop a work environment


Objective: Create an essay of 750 words that examines and describes the models for assessing the need for and applying enterprise-wide change initiatives. Include the roles of employees and managers in bringing about effective change.

Introduction: In this lesson, you examined concepts and theories related to leading change by analyzing different models for assessing the need for and applying enterprise-wide change initiatives. This essay will allow you to describe change theory and synthesize what you have learned in this lesson by examining change at the individual level, evaluating the leader's role and impact in managing the transition process and reviewing how the construct of a change initiative can result in either supportive behaviors or barriers to change.

Deliverables: The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 750 words that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format (APAstyle.org). A minimum of three sources must be cited in-text and in the Reference list.

Activity Details:

Step 1: Read the following questions/statements, and use what you have learned about this lesson's objective to frame your paper. It is highly recommended that you use these questions/prompts as level 1 subheadings in your essay.

-How does a leader develop a work environment that embraces change?

-Discuss the leadership skills most important to managing and leading change and the specific leadership tasks associated with leading change.

-What models, methods, tools and techniques do managers apply to manage and control change and to motivate and encourage appropriate change behaviors in employees?

-How does change affect employees?

-What barriers to change occur and how can they be overcome?

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HR Management: How does a leader develop a work environment
Reference No:- TGS02046515

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