
How does a distribution chain member add value to consumer


Price is the easiest way to make profit - all you do is raise the price - it costs nothing and you have to do no work - just send out a new price sheet.

Distribution is the next easiest - sell the same stuff in different places - with minor changes.


1. Define/explain:

A. Supply chain

B. Value delivery

C. What/who are the distribution chain members:

D. How does a distribution chain member add value to the consumer

E. Vertical marketing system

F. Horizontal marketing system

J. Mutlichannel system

G. Marketing logistics

H. Supply chain management

I. Major logistical functions

J. Specialty stores

K. Department stores

L. Supermarkets

M. Convenience stores

N. Discount stores

O. Off price stores

P. Superstores

Q. Corporate chain stores

R. Voluntary chain

S. Retailer Cooperative

T Franchise organization

U. Merchandising conglomerate

v. Wholesalers

w. Brokers

X. Agents

2. Read (or look up if needed) "Zara - the technology giant of the fashion world" -- explain how technology drives this company - remember women's fashion has 4 to 5 seasons.

3. What marketing mix decisions must retailers make:

4. Describe 4 distribution ideas/innovations you have witnessed:

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Marketing Management: How does a distribution chain member add value to consumer
Reference No:- TGS01794695

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