
How do your observations compare to newmans findings on

Low Wage Work Observation

Be sure to plan a visit to a fast food establishment of your choice today (you can also visit a site of low wage work - ex. any retail establishment).

Each week you build on your sociological knowledge. While you grasp quite a bit about our discipline through reading, the best way to learn sociology is by doing it.

Put on your sociological thinking cap and venture into a fast food establishment or retailer low wage work of your choice. Avoid the drive-thru, take a seat inside, and observe service sector work. Using Newman's analysis and Etzioni's critique for guidance, make note of the following:

Location--Suburban or Urban

Time and Date of Your Visit

Age Range of Employees

Race/Ethnicity of Employees

Interaction Between Customers and Employees

Is a Hierarchy of Workers Observable

Or any additional observations that you find relevant

Compose a short (2-3 Paragraph) Sociological Discussion Board Post about your Observations.

How do your observations compare to Newman's findings on low-wage work in Harlem? Do your observations of Fast Food establishments in the San Francisco Bay Area fit well with Newman or Etzioni's analysis?

Keep in mind that both authors wrote a number of years ago. How might time or the current economic state shape your observations...? Should Etzioni or Newman revise their arguments based upon your findings...?

Be sure to clearly reference the course readings for full credit.

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Dissertation: How do your observations compare to newmans findings on
Reference No:- TGS02923498

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