Journal directions:
Emotional intelligence needs a little bit of critical thinking, it is not secret, but it is very critical to your personal and professional success. Knowing what emotional intelligence is and knowing how to use it are two very different things. Your textbook and EI2.0 book help you step-by-step to increase your emotional intelligence using the four dimension EQ skills (self-awareness, self- management, social awareness, and relationship). Through the semester you will write few journals. Please be aware of your surrounding and ask yourself how you can improve your behavior based on knowledge about four EI dimensions. Throughout the semester, I want to see your EI improvement and your action plans to improve your EI dimensions.
Requirements for this Journal Entry:
How do you try to see things from another's perspective?
Did you recognize how your behavior affect others? Explain.
How did you manage your anxiety, stress, and fear in pursuit of your goal last week? (Do all your homework on time,, and hangout with your friends)
Did you get any criticism and /or feedback from others? How did you handle it?
How did you improve in your listening skills? Did you listen to your friends, siblings, colleagues, and others without jumping to the judgment? Give me an example
There is no length to this writing requirement, but your response should be concise and substantive in nature. Be sure to answer the questions or theme thoroughly, but keep it brief.