Unit I Discussion Board Question
1. Also, how do you think the seven dimensions of wellness impact your personal and professional life?
Unit II Discussion Board Question
Chapter 1 is titled "Becoming an Expert Student," so let's discuss what that means. Based on what you have read in Chapter 1 and even based on your own experience, what does it mean to be an expert student (or learner)? While keeping your own goals in mind, what are some things that will help you remain or become an expert student?
Unit III Discussion Board Question
We all face distractions in our lives. It is not always easy to admit, but some are self-inflicted distractions while others occur unexpectedly. Some of us spend a lot of time on our mobile devices. Others might have family commitments. And even others might have friends who ask for help frequently.
First, it is important to acknowledge that the distractions exist, and second, it is important to determine a way to effectively keep those distractions from becoming a burden to your life's priorities. For this discussion, identify a few distractions in your life, and determine what you can do to address those distractions while you strive toward accomplishing your goals-your priorities.
As you consider existing and potential distractions, reflect on what happened last week, last month, within the last year, and so on. I bet a few of us share some common distractions!
Unit I 3 PAGES
This homework assignment provides you with an opportunity to learn about various features within the online library by completing a worksheet. Click hereto download a worksheet for completing this exercise. Successful completion of this assignment includes following a series of steps, so feel free to use the following checklist to ensure you have completed each step:
•First, locate a full-text article related to your major. If you have not declared a major, search for a topic of interest to you (just be sure it is a full-text article). Provide the name of the database, the author(s) of the article, and the title of thearticle.
•Second, locate an e-book containing material you find interesting by going through
Ebrary, which is within the online library. Provide the author(s) of the e-book and the title of the e-book.
•Third, locate a video which addresses a topic of interest to you. Videos, or films, can be found within the Films on Demanddatabase. Look for it within the online library. Provide the title of the video.
The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to practice using the features within the online library, as you will hopefully find this resource to be valuable throughout your education. Complete all of the details within the worksheet, save your work, and submit your worksheet for grading.
Click hereto review the Seven Dimensions of Wellness activity document, and follow the instructions below:
•Follow the Seven Dimensions of Wellness activity directions, and rate yourself on each category
•Using the Goal Template (linked below), fill in each column of the document. Provide your personal rating, and list at least one or more long-term wellness goals you have for EACH of the seven dimensionsof wellness.Be specific-what do you want to do?By what date?
•For EACH goal, list all of the barriers that prevent you from reaching your goals.
A barrier can be an excuse you use, or it can be something that physically prevents you from reaching your goals. Be specific!
•Include a short-term, achievable task that you can achieve within one to two weeks that will help you achieve your long-term goal.Either way, be specific!
We can all improve in every area of life. Stating that you do not need to improve in an area will not garner you any points.
Like the textbook mentions, time management is not a skill that comes to some of us naturally; however, it can be learned. What better time than now to begin practicing the skills needed for effective time management? This homework assignmentprovides you with an opportunity to practice time management skills by planning a weekly timetable.
While you are planning the timetable, consider all of the things that are important to you-your priorities. Then, begin thinking about how you can accomplish those priorities within a week's time. When you stop to think about it, it is amazing what we can accomplish in a week, especially with a plan!
Note: If you do not feel comfortable listing certain personal appointments, you can simply list them as private appointment
Use this worksheet to complete the Unit I Homework, which provides you with an opportunity to learn about the features in the online library.
Full-Text Article
1. Provide the name of the database used to locate the article.
2. Provide the name of the author(s) who wrote the article.
3. Provide the title of the article.
4. Describing an article as full text means what? (1-2 sentences)
E-book (in the Ebrary)
1. Provide the name of the author(s) who wrote the e-book.
2. Provide the title of the e-book.
3. Name one way you could utilize the Ebrary in your future courses as a student. (1-2 sentences)
Films on Demand database (video)
1. Provide the title of one film (video).