A. Briefly describe how Margaret Atwood defines women in each section of "The Female Body." Some of them are like a puzzle; you'll need to mentally put the pieces together.
B. In which section do you feel that she offers the most accurate definition of women? Why do you feel that way?
C. What does the last section of "The Female Body" discuss? Do you agree with the perspective that's offered there? Why or why not?
D. Watch this video, and explain how it connects with the last section in "The Female Body":
E. What do you think prompted Judy Brady to write "I Want a Wife"?
F. How did you feel as you read "I Want a Wife"? How do you think Judy Brady wants the readers to feel?
G. Judy Brady repeats "I want a wife" many times throughout the essay. What impact does the repetition of that phrase have?
H. Do you know of or have you heard of any relationship that has a similar dynamic to what Judy Brady has portrayed? Explain.