
How do you think immigration laws impacted your family

Assignment task: Please answer the below questions based on my life migration:

My family's migration played a key role in the life I live today, as a result of, economic push and pull factors and a cultural push factor. I was born and raised in Brooklyn New York. Most of my family lives here, but not everybody originated from the USA. I am constantly surrounded by multiple cultures and religions that take a part in the way I live my life today. My parents have structured my cultural background and the location I currently live in. In conclusion, the migration of my family has greatly impacted the life I live today.

They were many economic push factors that made my parents leave their location when they were younger, to the location they currently live in. My parents  lived in Tirana  when they were younger. They decided to move from Albania to New York  because of better life opportunities . They have lived in New York ever since and had me and my sister. In general, the movement of my parents have impacted their occupations and the way they live. Economic pull factors have also been a major part in my family's life. The abundance of jobs in New York attracted my family to move. Eventually, after my parents came here , they decided to focus on learning and their education. They were enticed by the large amount of schools available.  The choices my family has made in their career and education has impacted me by being a role model and showing me that if you work hard enough, you will achieve your goals. Cultural push factors have played a big part in the migration of my family.

In conclusion, my family's migration has greatly impacted me and the way my life is currently. Economical push and pull factors have been a huge part in my family's journey and have benefited me in many ways. I also have the advantage of living in time where I can experience different cultures and religions. I am very lucky to realize that people have moved from their childhood homes for better education and job opportunities. These major moves that my parents made have affected me in a positive way. They let me get the best education and have multiple opportunities that I never would experience if it wasn't for them.

1. Does your story resonate with Tan Le's? Why or why not?

2. How do you think immigration laws impacted your family's migration history? (100 words)

3. Did you think you or your ancestors faced any prejudice? Can you give examples? (100 words)

4. How do you think the immigration experience is different today than in the time of Israel Zangwill? (100 words)

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Other Subject: How do you think immigration laws impacted your family
Reference No:- TGS03384477

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