
How do you see yourself as an advanced hspp now


It was the first conference Debra was attending since completing her master's in human services. It was exciting when a session related directly to a discussion topic she had in class or when a presentation mirrored a similar topic she had written a paper on. She had often felt human services professionals where her "tribe," so to speak; they cared deeply about the same problems she did and had a need to help others lead fruitful and dignified lives. And now Debra could see how her education, studies, and expertise were deepening her sense of place within the profession. It was like she had more to say now, and she still had more to learn at the same time.

When she returned home after the conference, she took the time to reflect on her growth as a HSPP. She wrote out some answers to these questions:

1. How am I better equipped now to work with service users than when I first considered entering the field of human services?

2. How do I work with my colleagues now rather than the way I did at the start of my career?

3. How am I going to continue to effect positive social change in my area of focus and elevate the field of human services?

After writing down her thoughts, Debra decided she would like to repeat this exercise periodically so that she could see how her professional identity was evolving and visualize how she will continue to contribute to the field of human services and effect positive social change.

  • Review the Learning Resources and Course Announcements.
  • Review some of the work and assignments from your first classes in the human services program.
  • Reflect on your first professional experiences in the field of human services.
  • Consider your professional and career goals as an HSPP.

Post a response to the following:

How do you see yourself as an advanced HSPP now as opposed to when you started your program?

What skills have you developed that have made you better equipped now:

  • to work with service users
  • to work more effectively with your colleagues
  • to effect positive social change in your area of focus and elevate the field of human services as a profession

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Other Subject: How do you see yourself as an advanced hspp now
Reference No:- TGS03444099

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