Check the temperature in your home. Different people are comfortable at different temperatures. Answer these questions about yourself to help you understand the importance of individual preferences for people in a health care setting.
1) Do you prefer hot or cold rooms? Why?
2) How does the temperature that you prefer compare with that of your spouse, children, parents, or friends?
3) Would the temperature you prefer be appropriate for an infant? An older adult? Why or why not?
4) How does noise in your home affect you? Answer these questions to help you understand the importance of noise levels in the health care facility.
5) How do you study best? With the radio or TV on? With silence?
6) When you go to bed, do you prefer silence to help you to sleep? Do you like the sound of soft music or the TV as you go to sleep?
7) Does everyone in your household agree on what volume to keep the radio or TV? How do you resolve conflict over this if it is a problem?
8) If the noise level in your surroundings is unacceptable to you, how do you react? How does it affect your ability to think? Rest? Study? How does it affect your relationship with others?