
How do you plan on distributing each of the reports

Assignment: Appliance Warehouse 8

I. After your presentation last week, the manager thinks an in-house solution is the way to go. Although our programmers have much experience with system integration and development, they have little experience with user design. You'll have to lay out all the pages of the system. For now, just create hierarchical drawing of all the pages needed for this system. Think of the menu on the top of the screen and what you'd click on to move to the next screen.

Once you finish the hierarchy, I'll need you to draw out examples of a few of the screens. For example, show a screen with a menu, another which requests user input, one that has methods to contact us, and the last one as an informational page. The menu screen can be an opening page or even a page to decide on types of reports to run. The user input page can be one for any of the users, such as the appointment setters or technicians. Make sure that you outline all of the required validation rules for this input page. The informational page can either be a static page or results from a search. Make sure that you include navigation buttons on each of these example pages.
I think it would be a nice touch to include our logo on all of these screens.

II. The developers want to know if this new application should run on a mobile platform. If so, they want to know if it should be created with responsive web design? What do you think would be the best and why?

I was wondering if prototyping this system might be more effective. What are the advantages and disadvantages to this approach?

III. know I've asked for some other mockups this week but could you also mockup samples of three different report types (detail, exception, and summary)? Mae is having a difficult time visualizing how one of her summary reports would look like. Also, Maddox Farley wants to know what the parts report will look like that he will be using several times a day.

How do you plan on distributing each of these reports when SIM is up and running?

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Operating System: How do you plan on distributing each of the reports
Reference No:- TGS03213173

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