How do you manage parkinsons disease in early stages

Question 1: How do you manage Parkinson's disease in early stages Either with Pramipexole (Mirapex) OR Rotigotine (Neupro)

Question 2: What Is the most effective therapy for PD Combination therapy with levodopa/carbidopa Or levodopa/carbidopa/entacacpone

Question 3: What medication are used to treat oft times including wearing off experiences Dopamine agonists COACT inhibitors and MAO-li inhibitors. Entacapone COMT inhibitor Rasagillne- MAO- B Inhibitor

Question 4: Adverse effects of Pramipexole Nausea. airiness, daytime somnolence. Insomnia. constipation. weakness, and hallucinations. impulse control disorders

Question 5: Which medication Is the safest choice for someone on oral contraceptive Pregabwin

Question 6: What is the purpose and timing of serum drug levels small changes in dosage produce large changes in plasma levels, as a result small increases in dosage can cause toxicity and small decreases can cause therapeutic failure. this relationship makes it difficult to establish and maintain a dotage that is both safe and effective. for this reason, scrum drug levels and trough levels ate often used along with assessments of seizure control to determine dosage.

Question 7: Phenytoin drug interactions Oxcarbazepine, Inhibits the enzymes that metabolize phenytoin thus raising phenytoin. Controversially phenytoin may decrease serum concentration of oxcerbazepine

Question 8: What can happen when you take phenytoin

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