How do you make ethical decisions


How do you make ethical decisions? What sort of guidelines do you use? A paragraph or two, saying how you decide, in your personal life, what is the "right" thing to do. HOW would you decide what to do when presented with some new situation, where there isn't an established rule, such as, "Drive on the left side of the street." This is personal, so I expect a wide variety of answers.

You might consider one of:

1) What to do if you received 2 emails not intended for you. One is a love letter, the other is a plan to rob Black Cat bookstore.
2) As an advice columnist, you receive this letter:

"A family member on Facebook posts her childcare needs at least once a week. She posts the day and time she needs and has said the names of her three children. I want to tell her how unsafe it is to post when her children will be alone with a sitter... Should I bring up my concerns with her? - Worried for the Kids" ("Dear Annie," Sherbrooke Record, Sept. 11, 20xx)

1) How would you answer "Worried"?

2) You are working as a software engineer on an aircraft control system, and you recognize that it could cause the plane to crash on takeoff. You are told to mind your own business. (Sadly, I made this up, before 2 planes crashed.)

3) Another student asks you to just submit the form again, with their name in it.

A topic/problem that you would like the class to discuss.

There must be some topic or problem relatede to use of computers and the Internet that you would like to discuss in class. Tell me of one or more.

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Computer Engineering: How do you make ethical decisions
Reference No:- TGS03298011

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