
How do you feel about amber is she as bad as her outward

1.) How do you feel about Amber? Is she as bad as her outward language would have us believe? Give proof to support your answer.

2.) Describe the warehouse that Dylan spent the night in.

3.) List the imagery of the photograph of Dylan's Grandmother and Grandfather. Pg.109

4.)Dylan is supicious of the alternative school, how is he pleasantly surprised by it?

5.)What does Dylan research on line? What does he discover?

6.)Why does Dylan think "he's going to puke"? pg.111

7.)What do you think about Glen's offer to allow Dylan to repay his debt by working at the school?

8.)Why do you suppose Glen is so helpful?

9.) Why doesnt Dylan want to call his Grandfather before he visits him?

10.) Explain why Dylan doesnt like being obligated to Glen pg.117

11.) What do you think about Dylans idea to bring Jenna to Grandpas?

12.) What do you think about Dylan revealing Twitch's reading weakness in front of everyone?

13.) While Dylan is certainly observant, he does judge people rather harshly. List people he has misjudged so far in the novel.

14.) Why is Dylan depressed enough to feel his shoulders"beneath the weight" of his thoughts"? pg.122

15.) How did Jenna get $20.00

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English: How do you feel about amber is she as bad as her outward
Reference No:- TGS0906554

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