
How do you define leadership

Assignment task:

Personal Narrative: Provide a reflection on critical points in your life that shaped the way you see yourself as a leader or the values you want to live out. What are some key experiences in which you demonstrated leadership (or failed to do so)?  How has your leader identity grown or declined through these experiences?

Articulation of Underlying Philosophy of Leadership: How do you define leadership? What is your underlying philosophy of it? Can it be developed or is it innate?

Leadership Vision and Values: What are your 3 core values and how can you live them out in your leadership across work, community, and your personal life? Write out your personal leadership vision statement.

Goals: State three goals that you would like to pursue to live out your personal leadership vision.

Implementation Intention: What specific actions can you take to meet each of these three goals? Be specific, including the domain (work, study, family/friends, community, sport) in which you plan to develop and the time frame expected.  What is your plan to evaluate your progress? Be sure to include at least one implementation intention and one coping strategy per goal.

You are required to cite at least 3 academic sources use APA  format for your references and citations.

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Other Management: How do you define leadership
Reference No:- TGS03383050

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