
How do you believe their messages may be mitigated


• Perform some research concerning a national, regional, or local calamity that was not discussed herein. Give an informations that assesses your selected incident with respect to the economics of disaster. In your response, speculate whether you believe recovery was fully achieved in due time, and justify your response.

• A plethora of domestic threat groups exist. How do you believe their messages may be mitigated and recruiting reduced? Give an explanation to justify your opinion.

• Intelligence is used by large government organizations and smalltown police depart-ments. Consult your local law enforcement agency, and determine how they leverage intelligence and intelligence analysis to solve crimes. Give an explanation that highlights your findings. You can use Lowell as your local law enforcement agency.

• Trafficking organizations demonstrate a variety of routes across the national borders that represent methods of accessing the United States. These passages are useful logistics routes for smuggling and trafficking a variety of goods, ranging from illegal drugs to humans. Given this notion, do you believe it is possible for factions of organized crime to cooperate with terrorist entities to use these routes collaboratively? Why or why not? Give an explanation that substantiates your opinion.

• This chapter introduced the notion of international assistance and discussed a variety of organizations that are leveraged beneficially during international emergencies. Perform some research, and identify three additional foreign government organizations that may also be used during international emergencies. Give and explanation that summarizes your findings.

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