
How do you account for the popularity of one of the

Question: 1) Write an essay explaining the popularity of another icon or character - for example, the vampire, the avatar, or the transformer - in films, television graphic fiction, or video games.

2) How do you account for the popularity of one of the following. Twitter, Facebook, Hip-hop, video games, home schooling, reality TV, fast food, flash, mobs, or sensationalist tabloids such as the Star? Write an essay considering remote as well as immediate causes for the success of the phenomenon you choose.

3) A recent study concluded that the number of young adults getting driver's licenses has declined over the past few decades. Why do you think this is so? What effects might this decline have an these non drivers - and on society as a whole? Write an essay considering remote as well as immediate causes for the success of the phenomenon you choose.

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Dissertation: How do you account for the popularity of one of the
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