
How do we set expectations for team members



DQ -1 (300 Words)

How do we set expectations for team members (i.e., socialization)? What roles and norms are important for successful teams?

DQ -2(300 Words)

List three criteria for effective teamwork and three criteria for ineffective teamwork. For each criterion, provide a brief explanation for its inclusion on the list.

Respond to your classmates' posts by evaluating their criteria for effective teamwork and suggesting methods for reducing ineffective teamwork.

(1-2 Pages)

Think of a time when you were on an effective team. What made the team effective? Compare that to a time when you were on an ineffective team. Why wasn't it effective? What could have been done differently to make the ineffective team into an effective one? What are the components of highly performing teams?

Use these as references:

1. Edmondson, A. C. (2012). Teamwork on the Fly. Harvard Business Review, 90(4): 72-80.
2. McDermott, R., & Archibald, D. (2010). Harnessing Your Staff's Informal Networks. Harvard Business Review.
3. Pentland, A. (2012). The New Science of Building Great Teams. Harvard Business Review, 90(4): 60-68.
4. Johnson Vickberg, SM., and Christfort, K (2017). Pioneers, Drivers, Integrators, and Guardians.
5. Kane, N. M., Clark, J. R., &Rivenson, H. L. (2009). The internal processes and behavioral dynamics of hospital boards: an exploration of differences between high- and low- performing hospitals. Health Care Management Review, 34(1): 80-91.

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Business Management: How do we set expectations for team members
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