
How do we know that the vitamins in this cereal come from

Activity: The Vitamins

Answer the following questions using your Module 2 and 7 notes, and the given internet source!

Instructions: Use the cereal label to the right to answer the questions below.

1. If the DRI for vitamin A is 900 mg, how many mg of vitamin A would be obtained in one serving of this cereal, with milk? (Show your work for credit!)

15% of 900=135mg

2. How do we know that the vitamins in this cereal come from supplementation and notfrom nutrient-dense foods?

3. Which vitamin amounts are increased by the addition of milk? (Hint: There are five total!)

Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12

Look over Eating Plans A, B, C and D.

4. Compare each of these eating plans for their vitamin contents. (For each, add up the total amount of each vitamin in each food from information from the USDA National Nutritional Database .You must show your work in the above tables for credit!)

a. On the average, men need 90 and women need 75 mg of vitamin C per day. How much vitamin C is in eating plan C?

b. How much vitamin C is in eating plan D?

c. The DRI for folate is 400 mcg. How much folate (DFE-Dietary Folate Equivalents) is in eating plan A?

d. How much folate (DFE-Dietary Folate Equivalents) is in eating plan B?

e. The DRI for vitamin B12 is 2.4 mcg. How much vitamin B12 is in eating plan C?

f. How much vitamin B12 is in eating plan D?

5. Which of these eating plans is deficient in active vitamin A? (You should be able toquicklyscan the meal plans and tell which is deficient in active vitamin A without calculating values.)"Vitamin A" is either active vitamin A (animal source), or beta-carotene (plant source), or a mixture of both, if from both animal and plant sources.

a. The RDA of vitamin A is about 900 mcgRAE (retinol activity units) for males, 700 mcg RAE for females. Does this eating plan have enough beta-carotene to compensate for its lack of active vitamin A? Your answer (yes or no) must be supported by the data you collected in the above tables.

6. Name threespecificfoods that could be added to Eating Plan C to increase the vitamin C content!

7. Which of one the foods listed has the highest amount of folate?

8. Which one of the foods listed has the highest amount of natural (not supplemented) beta-carotene (plant-sourced vitamin A)?

9. Which one of the foods listed has the highest amount of vitamin C?

10. Which one of the foods listed has the highest amount of vitamin B12?

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Science: How do we know that the vitamins in this cereal come from
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