After reviewing the Stata data, the current political climate, I was interested to identify a relationship (if any) between federal spending on border security and vote choice, the premise being that republicans and democrats view border security differently.
Run the initial linear probability model regression:
reg who2012 fedspend_bordercongress_therm male fedspend_terrorismfedspend_schools independent republican, r
Linear regression
Number of obs
= 719
F(7, 711)
= 231.88
Prob > F
= 0.0000
= 0.6108
Root MSE
= .29704
Std. Err.
t P>t
[95% Conf. Interval]
1.99 0.047
.0001795 .0292464
3.64 0.000
.0009798 .0032773
2.03 0.042
.0016162 .0926541
2.99 0.003
.0064687 .0311702
-3.57 0.000
-.0518125 -.015066
-3.99 0.000
-.3773738 -.128591
-21.64 0.000
-.7798275 -.6500883
12.93 0.000
.615566 .8359348
Based on these results, it looks like there is a positive increase in the probability of voting for Obama (democrat) as the value of fedspend_border increases, which actually corresponds to a decrease in spending. However, the magnitude is small.
To test an LPM predicted value, we'll use the following characteristics:
Male, independent, rates Congress at 50, believes terrorism spending and school spending should remain constant, and believes border security spending should be increased a great deal
To find the z value:
scalar z = _b[_cons] + _b[fedspend_border]*1 + _b[congress_therm]*50 + _b[male]*1 + _b[fedspend_terrorism]*4 + _b[fedspend_schools]*4 + _b[independent]*1 + _b[republican]*0
display z
This particular example gives us the percentage probability that the voter will select Obama.
Now we can find the probability of someone with similar characteristics, BUT a change in his opinion of border spending, in this case, someone who believes spending should remain the same (fedspend_border = 4):
scalar z = _b[_cons] + _b[fedspend_border]*4 + _b[congress_therm]*50 + _b[male]*1 + _b[fedspend_terrorism]*4 + _b[fedspend_schools]*4 + _b[independent]*1 + _b[republican]*0
display z
Now we can find the probability of someone with similar characteristics, BUT a change in his opinion of border spending, in this case, someone who believes spending should decrease a great deal (fedspend_border = 7):
scalar z = _b[_cons] + _b[fedspend_border]*7 + _b[congress_therm]*50 + _b[male]*1 + _b[fedspend_terrorism]*4 + _b[fedspend_schools]*4 + _b[independent]*1 + _b[republican]*0
display z
These are all of our Linear Probability Model values.
Now, let's determine the probit model results:
probit who2012 fedspend_bordercongress_therm male fedspend_terrorismfedspend_schools independent republican, r
Iteration 0: log pseudolikelihood = -460.59874
Iteration 1: log pseudolikelihood = -216.29088
Iteration 2: log pseudolikelihood = -212.61059
Iteration 3: log pseudolikelihood = -212.59664
Iteration 4: log pseudolikelihood = -212.59663
Probit regression Number of obs
= 719
Wald chi2(7)
= 313.68
Prob > chi2
= 0.0000
Log pseudolikelihood = -212.59663 Pseudo R2
= 0.5384
who2012 Coef. Std. Err. z P>z
[95% Conf. Interval]
fedspend_border .0765934 .0458889 1.67 0.095
-.0133472 .1665339
congress_therm .0111291 .0035811 3.11 0.002
.0041103 .018148
male .2450341 .1430008 1.71 0.087
-.0352423 .5253105
fedspend_terrorism .1208896 .0412771 2.93 0.003
.039988 .2017912
fedspend_schools -.1820228 .0476661 -3.82 0.000
-.2754467 -.0885988
independent -.9743602 .20477 -4.76 0.000
-1.375702 -.5730184
republican -2.39355 .1491906 -16.04 0.000
-2.685958 -2.101142
_cons .4506491 .3076945 1.46 0.143
-.1524211 1.053719
We can now use the same Stata scalar command, however, to determine the probit value, we must use:
display normprob(z)
How do we determine the rest of the relevant results and what does the final table look like?