
How do they see undocumented immigrants


I. Brandon Salinas is basically an American and does not know anything about his birth country of Mexico. He was caught with marijuana, arrested, and later sent to an ICE detention center. Then, nearly a year later, he was left on the border of Mexico. There are many stories similar to Brandon's of young people who sometimes are not aware that they are undocumented. With your classmates discuss how these young people who have lived in the US since childhood and have no accents when speaking navigate in a US society undetected of their legal status.

YouTube Video: "Following the deportation of a teenager whose one mistake changed his life: Part 1".

II. The book addresses the issues Dominicans encounter when deported back to the DR. With your classmates discuss some of the challenges Salvadorians face when deported back.

YouTube Video: "Deported Salvadorans struggle upon return to homeland".

III. Just like American jails and prisons, immigrant detention centers are also dehumanizing environments. We observed that people who dehumanize immigrants feel less connected to them, describe immigrants in impersonal terms such as "criminals" "illegals" and from a position of power, and endorse social harms that should have little impact on their immigration views. With your classmates discuss the role of the immigrant community's (first and second generations) attitude towards immigrant rights. What is their perspective and how do they see undocumented immigrants?

YouTube Videos: "ICE and Isolation: A Portrait of Torture in Immigration Detention" and "Four Immigrants Have Died at Stewart ICE Jail in Georgia. Advocates Want It Shut Down".

IV. Many people wonder why all immigrants do not just come to the United States "legally" or simply apply for citizenship while living here without authorization. These suggestions miss the point since there is no line available for current unauthorized immigrants and the "regular channels" are largely not available to prospective immigrants who end up entering the country through unauthorized channels. With your classmates discuss the "legal immigration" or "right way" of coming to the US.

YouTube Video: "Legal Immigration: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)".

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