How do the stories touch on themes related to existentialism


Apply evidence from Hanna Meretoja's "Life and Narrative" to Ana Menéndez's "Her Mother's House" and Achy Obejas' "The Maldives".

Consider the following, when approaching the interpretation.

1) Narrative hermeneutics and Cuban American narrative identity: How might a hermeneutic approach to narrative help us understand the ways narrative identity and self-interpretation function in the Cuban American narratives we read this week? Demonstrate your understanding of Meretoja's conception of narrative as it relates to life.

2) Pre-existing narrative identities: How might a hermeneutical approach account for pre-existing Cuban American narrative identities? How do the stories engage and possibly reinterpret these pre-existing cultural narratives?

3) Relationship between existentialism and psychoanalysis: How do the stories touch on themes related to existentialism and psychoanalysis?

4) Comparative analysis: After reading "Her Mother's House" and "The Maldives," do you see a thematic pattern across the fictional stories we read for this module?

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English: How do the stories touch on themes related to existentialism
Reference No:- TGS03315232

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