
How do the dimensions influence communication patterns

• Question I: Are there patterns to be found between the dimensions. For instance if a culture has one dimensions like individualism does that automatically mean that they will exhibit another dimension, low context? Why or why not?

• Question II: Will every culture have examples of both sides of the dimensions? Why? If yes, how are they then identified as one side of the dimension or the other? If no, why are they not have that diversity?

• Question III: How do the dimensions influence communication patterns? Address at least 3 different dimensions and how they influence our communication patterns. Give examples. (Remember that there are 7 dimensions-Individualism/Collectivism (vertical/horizontal), High/Low Context, High/Low Power Distance, High/Low Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculine/Feminine, Long-term/Short-term Orientation, and Values.)

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Reference No:- TGS03297850

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