Read closely: introduce specific quotations from the articles and books from class or from outside sources and explain the meaning of anything that you quote; provide page numbers. Mechanics of quotation: Make sure that you indent as a block any quotes of more than 4 lines of your text; and use the following punction: end sentence. (p.#) With 4 lines or fewer, include in the body of your text, make sure that the quote is grammatically consistent with your sentence structure (change the quote if necessary and provide parentheses where you are doing so), and use the following punctuation: "...." (p.#).
Illness or personality disorder. Focus on how these characters function (that is, on their internal thoughts and relations with other characters) and on their personality traits.
Compare and contrast Dorian in The Picture of Dorian Gray with Amy Dunne in Gone Girl. Focus on these two characters as representations of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and perhaps differently, as representations of malignant narcissism and/or Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD), including the variant of psychopathy. Some thoughts to prompt your own: for example, compare the upbringing or formative influences of these characters (how do the demands and fantasies of influential figures form these characters?) Also, consider the importance of "success" (what kinds of success matter) to these characters? Additionally, how do these characters think about their own deaths, and how do they continue to function or fail to do so? You aren't limited to answering these comparative questions--they are meant to get you thinking.