Use textual evidence where appropriate. This is for Heart of Darkness novel.
A. How does Marlow view the world prior to his journey (basically just and fundamentally good)? How does he see it afterwards? What is his great revelation?
B. How should one live?
C. Is Heart of Darkness a racist text?
D. Does man control his own destiny?
E. How do the characters reflect the society in which they live?
F. Is Kurtz's "savage career" "every man's wish fulfillment"? Is this what Conrad is suggesting?
G. What do these characters' decisions and actions say about human nature and how we respond to our environment?
H. What makes us human? What does it mean to act humanely?
I. How are we required to act when we see other human beings treated "inhumanely"? Does where we live and when we live change any of these "obligations"?