How do the characteristics of the victim and characteristics

Problem: Sibling Abuse

One form of child maltreatment included in chapter 7 on Additional Forms of Child maltreatment that you would like to know more about. Find one journal/scholarly article (not Wikipedia or similar website) that discusses your topic. Find one media article reporting on a specific happening. The article should contain good description and detail - at least two to three pages long.

Once you have thoroughly read both articles, address the following:

• Summarize the article.

• How do the characteristics of the victim and characteristics of the perpetrator match with the information provided in the chapter?

• What social and environmental factors are identified?

• Are these consistent with the readings?

• What treatment and prevention measures do you feel might be effective?

• Remember to use citations and document all sources of information.

Miller-Perrin, C. L., & Perrin, R. D. (2013. Child maltreatment: An introduction (3rd. ed). Thousand Oaks, C.A.: Sage Publications. Chapter 7.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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